
Tiny Tracker

A Case Study

Client Description
United Kingdom medical company
Objective C, MySQL, Java, Spring
Target platform
3 months
Tiny Tracker provides the monitoring functionality to track the development of the 0-4 years old children.
Business Challenge
Tiny Tracker is a breakthrough in the medical industry. It is a B2B app aiming to assist the nursery staff.

Tiny Tracker provides the monitoring functionality to track the development of the 0-4 years old children.

Tiny Tracker is an internal B2B software, so you won’t find it on iTunes. This app is an investment in children development. It’s an investment in the future generation, in our future.

Making this world a better place is magnificent, and Gravum strives to be a part of this movement.

Making this world a better place is magnificent, and Gravum strives to be a part of this movement.