JavaScript development is the leading solution for both front-end and back-end web development projects. Numerous JS frameworks are enhancing the JavaScript developer experience. As a result, it provides devs with more time to focus on focus on quality user experience as well. At the same time, the technology itself is also continually improving. New JavaScript standards introduce fresh features and expose outstanding functionality to developers, and you should be aware of the JS action to keep your head above the water. With that said, let’s discover 4 features of nowadays JavaScript that can significantly boost your development performance.
Array Loops: Don’t Limit Yourself to For and While
Looping over your arrays can sometimes become a boring and complicated process, especially when you are dealing with a sophisticated looping logic and need to perform several operations in each loop iteration. This is where advanced JavaScript array methods come in handy.
Every() is an excellent method for data consistency verification. For instance, you need an array of numbers above 100. If you are using for or while loops, it would be something like that:
let consistent = true;
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
if(array[i] < 100){
consistent = false;
Well, it is still a decent solution. However, it’s a bit messy compared to the alternative with array.prototype.every() syntax:
let consistent = array.every(a => a > 100);
Looks much clearer, doesn’t it?
Similar to every() method, some() returns true when at least 1 array element matches the condition. This is how you would use it for finding out whether there are any values below 5 in the array:
let valuesBelowFive = array.some(a=> a < 5);
Need to map some values and save them into a new array? With map functionality, this just can’t get any easier. Here’s an example of mapping object properties:
let properties = =>;
Map() method significantly simplifies the code and empowers your JavaScript development.
Manual array reduction may be an inconvenient thing to perform. Basically, you need two points to perform an operation:
- Value accumulator to store the reduced result;
- Reducing logic.
Fortunately, the reduce() method addresses these issues. It takes a function with two arguments as a parameter: the first one is an accumulator, and the second is the current value from the array.
Here’s what you would do to sum all values from an array:
let sum = array.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
Whether you are working on the JavaScript development outsourcing or your own projects, implementing these array looping tricks will structurize your code and make it much more elegant.
JavaScript Data Types: Implement Let And Const
Every promising JavaScript developer strives to control the scope of variables he or she uses. Our software development outsourcing experts at Gravum understand how crucial it is to keep the global variables amount minimum. The fewer variables are used globally, the less error-prone your code is. Consider the following case:
var global = 0;
var global = 1;
Now, this exact example will work as expected, taking the inner variable with the value 1. However, you could miss the initialization and turn out to use the global variable instead.
Here’s the kicker: this can become a disaster when dealing with large-scale projects. This is why getting your scope under control achieves the status of necessity.
Let: Block-Scope Local Variables For Everybody
The principal difference between let and var is the block-scope feature. Let is only accessible inside the block it’s initiated in. It also applies to loops. This way, let variables are created for every loop iteration:
var books = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){
function(){console.log(“Book ” + i)}
books[0](); //Book 0
books[3]();// Book 3
This is where JavaScript development becomes interesting: if you try this with var instead, you will end up with the same output in all books. Let, on the opposite, creates a variable on every iteration, as the latter is considered as the separate blocks. Implement this feature in your JavaScript development outsourcing to provide quality, maintainable, and scalable code.
Const: Protect Data From Modifications
Const variables provide JavaScript developers with the opportunity to create constant data structures. Constants allow you to assign the value once. All subsequent attempts to reassign the constant value will throw an error.
Note that this only applies to the variable value, but not its properties. For instance, this code will successfully change the object property:
const a = {
name: “Jack”,
}; = “Chris”;
This makes sense, as the const variable contains an object pointer, but not its properties. The knowledge of these peculiarities will bring your software development outsourcing to a new level.
The Bottom Line
Implementing cutting-edge technology techniques is integral to the quality and up-to-date product development, whether you are a solo JavaScript developer or a dev team member. If you need professional services of software development outsourcing in Ukraine, reach out to our JS experts at Gravum. Our team offers modern, scalable, and flexible JavaScript development services and is always results-focused.