IoT healthcare technologies have been around for a couple of years now. Since when developers introduced the Internet of Things to the healthcare industry, the new, entirely innovational technologies appeared. Let’s find out what are the 5 most exciting healthcare IoT technologies you can meet today.
1. Ingestible Sensors
The treatment effectiveness depends not only on the medication quality but also on the patient’s adherence to the treatment course. Here’s the kicker: the study shows that patients take only about a half of medicines as directed. This means only 50% of long-term therapies bring the expected results. Fortunately, introducing IoT in healthcare has addressed the issue.
Proteus Digital Health is a healthcare company offering ingestible sensors to improve treatment efficiently and monitor the patient’s adherence. Here’s how it works:
- The patient takes a medication – a pill with an ingestible microsensor in it. The device size can be compared to a grain of sand;
- As soon as the pill reaches the stomach, the sensor sends a signal to the patch a patient wears on his or her torso;
- The patch device creates a record with the medication take conditions. Right after that, it sends a record to the mobile app;
- Mobile software product processes the data. It then displays the analytics of the treatment performance.
Such a system of digital medicine brought by the Internet of Things healthcare technologies helps both patients and therapists. Ingestible sensors increase treatment performance substantially and make the process interactive.
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2. Automated Coagulation Testing
Anticoagulated patients were to check their coagulation at the doctors in the recent past. Things changed when IoT healthcare technologies had entered the scene.
The coagulation testing device allows measuring the way the patient’s blood clots. What is more crucial, the device enables sending data to the clinic. But what are the benefits of using a coagulation test appliance?
First things first, using these devices means far fewer visits to their therapists. It saves precious time for therapists, as well as the time for patients themselves.
Secondly, anticoagulated patients can perform regular checks of their state of health with coagulation testing devices. As a result, they reported that they feel better, as they have increased control over their health condition.
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3. Asthma Monitor
Asthma attacks are dangerous and often unexpected. Being prepared for an asthma attack would give the patient the time to manage or prevent it completely. Luckily, IoT in healthcare is making progress on asthma monitors.
These devices can detect an impending attack and notify its wearer about it. What is more fascinating, it can instantly send a message to the doctor describing the current situation. Here are more asthma features our IoT experts find astonishing:
- Inhaler detection. The patient may simply not remember whether he or she used an inhaler. The device registers the inhaler use, so the therapist always sees a clear picture of the situation;
- Condition detection algorithm. The asthma monitoring device implements the learning algorithm to figure out the “normal” condition of the patient to understand his or her symptoms better. This way, the healthcare IoT device approaches each patient individually.
4. Automated Insulin Delivery
Diabetes patients can also benefit from IoT healthcare technologies these days. OpenAPS company has introduced the automated insulin delivery devices, and here’s why they are incredible:
- Dynamic insulin doses. The device determines the dose of insulin the patient’s body requires. There is no need for constant manual configuration of the device;
- Night-time hypoglycemia solution. Diabetics always risk to end up with a low blood sugar level in the middle of the night. The automated insulin delivery system addresses the issue and lets patients enjoy their night.
Keeping blood glucose in the safe range is integral for diabetics to prevent hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. The insulin delivery device can put everyday treatment on autopilot.
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5. Cancer Treatment
Cancer is one of the most dangerous conditions with severe symptoms and long-term therapy. Thankfully, IoT healthcare has made the treatment easier by monitoring the symptoms and preventing complications they signal for.
The devices – known as CYCOREs – have been tested on patients receiving treatment for head and neck cancer. Here are the results:
- Therapists have reported that devices made the care easier. As long as CYCOREs identify emerging side effects, it’s far easier to address them in the early stages;
- Patients admit that the treatment is less painful and just simpler with CYCOREs. The care providers can help the patients more accurately and swiftly and – therefore – ease the treatment burden.
The Bottom Line
The Internet of Things technologies is the future of the healthcare industry. What we’ve considered is the outcome of only a few years. We can only imagine which devices will be available in the next 5 or 10 years.
If you have an IoT software product idea you want to bring to life, reach out to our Gravum IoT development experts. We always come up with innovative solutions for every customer. Start your IoT healthcare development with Gravum, bring the game-changing technology to the industry.