
Tag: java

What are Route Guards, Pre-loads and Lazy-loading in Angular?

What are Route Guards, Pre-loads and Lazy-loading in Angular?

Angular comes with a bunch of inbuilt features, which can be used fully to provide authentication, boost your application’s page, loading speed, etc. In this blog, we will be going to cover few angular components which will help you in improving user experience by enhancing the bootstrap and startup process….

3 Steps to Getting Better at Angular Development

angular development gravum

The Angular development dominance on the web development scene is imminent. More and more JS-based frameworks appear for both front-end and back-end development. Angular (Yes, we know it’s Typescript-driven) is amongst the leading ones. Angular front end development requires a deep knowledge of JavaScript and TypeScript, along with the framework…

Why You Should Outsource Java Development

IT-companies outsource Java development more and more. While the in-house Java development team may be a robust solution for long-term projects, it’s sometimes inefficient in terms of time- and cost-effectiveness. Let’s discover the reasons to lean towards custom software development services and figure out how to choose the best outsourcing…

Java Development Outsourcing: 5 Providers in Eastern Europe

Java Development Outsourcing: 5 Providers in Eastern Europe

Java development outsourcing is a common thing among the U.S., UK, and German companies. When it comes to Java development most employers believe they could easily find a team for their project. First, because this programming language is widely used, and, second, because there are a lot of developers in…

Java VS Kotlin: What Are the Key Differences Between Them?

Java VS Kotlin

Most mobile app developers prefer one of the oldest programming languages out there – Java. For more than 10 years, this language was a king of Android apps, because this platform was also created with the help of Java. However, today the unquestionable leadership of Java is being challenged since…