Modern web development tools are far beyond the traditional HTML, CSS, and plain JavaScript stack. Web app development now is a much more sophisticated process requiring numerous technologies involved to keep it viable. This is why the web technology stack issue arises.
Here are the cutting-edge web technologies to date.
Front-End frameworks:
- React.js;
- Vue.js;
- Angular.
Back-End frameworks:
- Node.js;
- Django;
- Rails;
- Laravel.
DB Solutions:
- MySQL;
- MongoDB;
- Fiderbase;
- PostgreSQL.
Let’s find out whether you need to build a website with react, or you should lean towards Vue. js development, whether MongoDB is your choice, or you should stick to good old MS SQL. Here are some tips to make your decision informed.
Focus On Project Requirements: Web Development Tools Are Not The Goal
First things first, there is no real-life situation where the goal-driven developers use the technologies they picked just to have fun. Without a doubt, this can work. However, if you aim to not just randomly succeed, you have to take this issue seriously.
Competitors’ Experience Is Not an Ultimate Indicator
No matter how successful your competitors are with their tech stack. Don’t forget that this is their thing, they already know how to make it work. You, on the contrary, are only going to begin. With that said, starting your Angular or Vue.js outsourcing just because your competitor has successfully done that isn’t a relevant idea.
Previous Projects Are Not Your Primary Guidance
OK, sure, these projects are awesome. And they may be a great implementation of the web development tools you’ve chosen. However, consider the following points before trying to repeat your experience:
- Technologies tend to become obsolete. The more time passes, the more chances technologies you used will never become actual again;
- Technology benefits are project-specific. Unless it’s an exact copy of your previous project, do not consider your previous experience as a relevant indicator that tech stack suits the current tasks.
As you can see, even previous experience isn’t always the best thing to rely on. You really need to complete numerous projects to see the difference between technologies.
Personal Preferences Cannot Be Your Decision-Makers
Just because you love features from some technology doesn’t mean you should consider it as the best option for the project. Our Gravum experts can hardly deny that handy development tools make both software development outsourcing and your own project development faster and more convenient.
But there are always two sides to the coin. If you choose the tech stack based solely on your comfort concerns, you may end up with imbalanced stack and start losing time and money.
Take Into Account Your Project Specifics: Concentrate On Technological And Marketing Needs Of Your App
Here’s the thing: no matter how confident you feel with the technology you choose, it’s worth nearly nothing if the tech stack doesn’t match the current market requirements. Let’s consider several aspects you should keep in mind.
Web Application Type
In a nutshell, all web development tools aim to address the needs of the following three web app types by complexity:
- Simple web app. Primitive landing page and elementary online store are good examples of truly simple apps. No advanced frameworks are usually needed for this kind of project;
- Mid-level complexity app. This is where it becomes interesting. Plain JS and HTML are already not enough, but constructing a multi-framework app isn’t relevant yet. It may be a custom enterprise app or a small eCommerce solution;
- Complex apps. Giant eCommerce solutions, social networks, FinTech apps, and other sophisticated projects require a truly comprehensive kit of web development tools.
On balance, if you launch a small online shop or a simple company app, react development services and a simple backend solution will be enough. On the other hand, enormous web apps need a full framework stack, countless additional services, and external integrations to keep them cost-effective and performant. For instance, here’s the web dev stack behind Shopify, a large eCommerce solutions provider:
- React.JS;
- Nginx;
- Ruby on Rails;
- MySQL;
- Redis.
As you see, Shopify implements quite a lot of technologies on both front-end and back-end sides. This brings us to the core idea: the project size defines the dev toolkit complexity.
Time To Market
TTM has become an integral part of success in the IT-industry. The faster you develop, the more chances to succeed, it’s that simple. Here’s the kicker: some technologies are made to serve the large apps, some are perfect for small solutions.
For instance, you can build a website with react, and it will take up to one hour to set up. On the other hand, spending a day to set several environments for front-end and back-end frameworks will pay off a week later when the project will become truly gigantic.
The Bottom Line
Whether you are a Vue. js development lover or prefer react development services, your primary objective is to find the tools that suit your project goals, not your preferences. This is essential to bringing high-quality, scalable and secure solutions on time.
If you need professional assistance in web development, reach out to our web development experts at Gravum. We are the company providing software development service in Ukraine. Our team specializes in delivering unique and powerful apps to our customers.
Opt for Gravum dev services and forget about the web development tools selection issue forever.