How well you can cope with your computer workloads is the thing that determines your business competitivity in the present digital era. To be precise, it matters only when you operate all your applications and websites on an on-premise basis. Both the hardware and software you own require a well-developed…

Bullet-proof Your Business With Smart Cloud Solutions A viable mitigation plan is a crucial part of the business agenda of any business. Determining the business risks and the possible action plans to counteract the intensity of a disaster has been very challenging. It has even tripled up to speak in…

Cloud migration was a process born out of necessity. Initially, most applications placed their data in personal processing centers to provide full security. The development of cloud technologies and rapid market changes brought forth new requirements. One of them is great scalability, which we can find only after a cloud…

Cloud-based apps are a hit now. Obtaining full desktop functionality in the browser app is a fascinating opportunity cloud apps provide. However, cloud computing – as a concept – does not bring your software success by itself. Here’s the thing: every single technology can become meaningless and useless when misused….

Cloud solutions are getting more and more attention these days. Cisco forecasts the share of the cloud technology in the computing powers worldwide will grow to 94% by 2021, and there is a reason for this tremendous expected market share. The thing is, cloud services are the cutting-edge alternative to…