Modern web development tools are far beyond the traditional HTML, CSS, and plain JavaScript stack. Web app development now is a much more sophisticated process requiring numerous technologies involved to keep it viable. This is why the web technology stack issue arises. Here are the cutting-edge web technologies to date….
Software development companies depend on IT teams heavily. Indeed, your internal developers are the heart and soul of your business. However, sometimes the workflow becomes too intense and you need someone second-guessed to rely on. Also, there are projects that seem to be too costly when done in-house. At this…
The global outsourcing market was estimated to be 85.6 billion US dollars in 2019 and it’s only growing further. Why do businesses opt for outsourcing? It enables cost optimization and makes the business more efficient and effective. Did you know that almost 59% of companies outsource their IT projects to…
Information Technology is a truly fascinating industry. It is one of the most demanded market sectors worldwide. Software development outsourcing is a progress engine, it is the technological revolution motivator. However, there are always two sides to the coin. Such a global interest in this industry and the market volatility…
Business process modeling for software development includes different conceptual visions of how to implement projects to create software. A business process is the implementation of a methodology, its individual elements or several methodology elements in a particular organization when carrying out specific projects and creating specific products. Therefore, the creation…
Software solutions evolve with the companies using them. Software products become outdated and not efficient enough sooner or later. This is where the solutions architect enters the scene. A solution architect is the driver of the digital transformation. It is a team member responsible for planning and implementing improved solution…